Revolutionary Australian made voltage monitoring saving rural homeowners and farmers big time!
As fluctuating power supply from the grid continued to cost his family, friends and clients thousands of dollars unnecessarily in repairs and replacements of fridges, freezers, bore pumps, motors on cold rooms and other critical property infrastructure, electrical technician and Queensland Country Electrical director/owner Gavin Elliott took matters into his own hands and created a game changing device to monitor under and over voltage supply and minimise damage to electrical assets on rural properties and households.
MACS Monitoring was recently featured on the Queensland Country Life website.

Proven game changer
Read how these Queensland Central Highlands farmers successfully used MACS Monitoring to help overcome fluctuating power supply issues with critical property infrastructure which was costing them time, money and lost productivity.
Case Study One
Chris Zahl, Wycheproof Pastoral Company Owner

Case Study Two
Elsie Dillon, Surbiton Station Alpha Owner

Helping protect your electrical assets
Over and under supply of electricity are frequent occurrences in many remote and regional areas, sometimes brown outs multiple times a day and can cause motor burn outs and fusion in electrical goods such as air conditioning units, computers, TVs, fridges, freezers, cold rooms, dishwashers, pumps and bores.
The MACS Monitoring self-contained unit helps protect your electrical goods during such power interruptions. When the power drops to below 205 volts or goes above 255 volts, the MACS Monitoring device cuts the power out and monitors the voltage for three minutes before turning power on.
This gives cold rooms, fridges and freezers time to settle down, and the compressors and gasses within them, time to settle back down and equalizing before turning back on. Additionally, it prevents subsequent brown outs when everyone else on the line is struggling to regain power at once after an event has happened.
Is this different to surge protection?
YES. If there is an over or under voltage MACS Monitoring cuts the power out and monitors the electrical voltage for three minutes at a time when the power drops to below 205 volts or goes above 255 volts. This gives electrical products such as cold rooms, fridges and freezers time to settle down and gives the compressors and gasses in them time to settle down and equalise before turning back on. Surge protection devices help prevent issues to equipment from very short duration, very high voltage spikes.
A MACS Monitoring device along with a surge diverter would provide the best protection at the switchboard. A qualified electrician can answer any questions you have about this.

Why choose MACS Monitoring?
![]() | Strong values - loyalty, cooperation, networking & community. |
![]() | Health & safety of people, animals & property – No 1 priority. |
![]() | Australian owned – Meets needs, standards & regulations. |
![]() | Cost Saving – Minimises unnecessary repairs or replacements. |
![]() | No headaches - just a great solution. |